

“So a group of Adventurers walk into a bar… again”

This last Wednesday, I had the opportunity and pleasure of running Acute Delirium with Jerry (Cordovan), our DDO Community Specialist, in DDO’s live twitch stream on Ghallanda. It was fun, albeit very painful. I forgot how annoying that quest can be if you’re just not ready for it. Luckily, we did have a level 28 cleric, Budstein with us, who kept us alive throughout! Thanks Budstein! However, it was still a rough ride and I think the only person with more deaths than me was Jerry. Poor guy. By the end of it, all his equipment had been broken or nearly broken. Thank goodness for Paladin’s equipment saving enhancement that I happened to have just to work up toward my divine might enhancement.

I didn’t find the Monsters in that quest all that tough, specially when I was able to get my sneak attack in, but the Frost beholders seemed to me what was killing us with their ice attacks that were hitting us for an easy 200+ damage a pop, not to mention they were downing our precious bookcases and beds in a matter of a single shot or so. The horror! I later realized some tips that people were posting on doing the quest included Invisibility on the bookcases, ect, when I looked back at the stream and Jerry had been talking. I wish he said something in chat about it. :/ I totally forgot about that! He logically assumed, no casters = no invis, but I had a stack full of invis scrolls for a reason. Casters still would have helped make the quest a lot easier though. And as Sincletica pointed out to me last night as well… so would have monks. haha! Of course.

But we had what we had, and me managed anyways. Toward the end of the bookcase march, I focused primarily on reconstructing the bookcases and let everyone else handle the trash. I was gonna die reconstructing those things, if I had to! It worked. I was excited, and we made it to Kyber where we faced down the giant Beholder and retrieved the mimic. (PSA: When you are smashing the beholder’s Ganglia, make sure to have some Acid resist. >.< Whew.. I almost fell to a giant spray of acid a couple of times.) That’s one of those quest I don’t run very often, and I had forgotten why. It was still a pleasantly good time though, and all of us withstood till the end, even if Jerry did seem a little nervous toward the end. Haha.

If you want to see the full video, you can watch it at

You can of course, catch it live every Wednesday at Noon EST. He’ll be around to different servers as well, so you can also catch him live and join up with his group yourself!

Audio  —  Posted: March 21, 2014 in Uncategorized


“I found you, Lolth Card! Muhahaha!”

I’m suddenly reminded of my high school days playing card games like Magic the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh, and other such card games that I just couldn’t get enough of. Now, these D&D cards are not quite like that, but they do have their perks, and I most definetely can’t get enough of them! Between all the cool items, and pretty good plat price you can get on them, it’s a killer deal! This especially goes for Ezike, the Bladeforged stick build I have on Ghallanda.

Ghallanda!? I thought you played on Sarlona! I do… However, as of late, I’ve stretched across servers and have been playing in G-Land as well. Those that follow my twitter feed (@DDOKobay) probably already know this. Anyways, long story short, Ezike was flat broke before the cards came along. Now, not so much. 🙂 Plus I managed to get him a complete set of +3 ability tomes plus plenty of +3 skill tomes and some other wonderful fluff on top of a large margin of plat. Woot!

Anyways, that is in all more recent news. Other than that, if you are curious about my playing on Ghallanda, and why… well, it’s mostly due to Sarlona’s grouping scene. It bites. XD I can’t put it much more plain than that. Well, at least it does for my new schedule. I’ve switched to a more… European schedule as of late with classes and work and such. Sadly, can’t be helped. However, that doesn’t mean I’ve dropped Sarlona completely out. I still play there, and most often with Guildies. I’m so glad to be back up to the epic levels, so I can continue to participate in our Fraidnights, even if I can’t stay the entire time. Sadly, not only is Friday raid nights for my guild, but also my girl’s night off. So, she considers it her night as well.

Needless to say, to me, Friday nights are “Pushing my luck nights”.

Anyways, in future plans… I’ve toyed with the idea of other servers. I really just enjoy meeting people and playing with them. Due to Sarlona being such a small server these days, I haven’t had much of that. Ghallanda always has an influx of new players, so that’s nice, but I’m still curious about other servers. I do know some cool guys over on Thelanis (Shout out to my old static group mates), but I really haven’t been there in a long while. Of course, I do know people on the forums, but that doesn’t count, right? I mean… that’s maybe 10% or even less of the entire DDO population. Not to mention, well… we won’t mention that. 😀

That’s all I have to say for today, I think. I should remind myself to post here more often though. I always have stuff I want to post, but never do… I should stop that, right? The not posting it part. Haha. Anyways, if you are on Ghallanda, hit me up! The name is Ezike. Kobay was unfortunately taken.

Audio  —  Posted: March 18, 2014 in Uncategorized


Meet Dynic, a character who has been on her first life for longer than I care to recall. Originally rolled up as a nanny-bot, she always took good care of her party members. She could keep a party up and at em with the best of them. So what she couldn’t DPS like the pros or lay down Blade Barriers that smashed foes like a lunatic Favored Soul amped up on Ogre Blood and whatever strange mixes you could find in Ebberon. She was dedicated to her party and that’s all she cared about. Recently, before her TR, she took a +20 and went to a ranger only to TR again shortly after into a ranger once more. A waste of a perfectly good cleric life? Hardly. She learned a lot during that elongated life. She made loads of friends who loved her for just who she was, regardless of how she chose to play and has been through so many changes she makes the rest look like simpletons.

Ok, so she might not be the best character, with the best gear, the best past lives, the best of anything really… but let me tell you what, there is something about Dynic that few can truly understand. Something that makes her special to me…

When Dynic was originally rolled up, she wasn’t my character. No, her handler was someone dear and close to my heart. My little sister. 🙂

She loved DDO and enjoyed the game play till life just got too busy, and although she plays no longer she still has plenty of friends from the game that her and I both enjoy talking to. (Shout out to Moinder and Diwata) You two are awesome and have always made DDO a fun place for both me and her. I can’t ask for much more than that!

The thing about this timing though, is that my little sister is graduating college within the next month, and within the next month, will be the last time I get to speak to her personally for a long time. She is moving across the states to a job opportunity she has. I’m so very proud of her. As her big brother, I’m sad to see her go but she’s always dreamed of getting out of Michigan and pursuing her dreams, so I can’t in no way be mad at her for that. So much like her old character, she is beginning a new life and I am excited for her, for what life has to hold. Decemeber 5th, we are holding Christmas for her and on the 11th, she’ll be gone pursuing a life she has wanted since she was a little girl. I pray that it won’t be our last Christmas together, for who knows what life may hold?

So for whatever changes Dynic may face in the future, my little sister will always be just that, my little sister. As her new life begins, I wish her the best and I always plan to be here for her when she needs me. Though my heart may be sad now, I look forward to the future and what it may bring for both her and me. My wimpy little sister has grown up to be a tough, confident, woman. I can’t ask for much more than that.

I’m proud of you, Sissy.

Always with Love,

Your big Brother. ❤

Audio  —  Posted: November 25, 2013 in Uncategorized
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There once was a Gimpy first life Drow Cleric weidling at what time he thought was the best weapon ever! A simple Adamantine Rapier, that he became so fond of, he even bound it to himself so he’d never lose his precious sword. This Cleric weilded his gimpy rapier with majesty, flailing it at every Kolbold and sewer urchin he found, while trying to make sure his party members didn’t die off on him either. Truth was though, he was a HORRIBLE healer. It didn’t matter to him though. He thought he did awesome, as long as he had his precious rapier by his side and a cure light wounds in his pocket.

Then one faithful evening, he and a party of adventurers traveled out into the Cereluen hills to stick it to some hobgoblins that were up to no good. It was tough, but back then normal difficulty was as high as you needed to go to be tough on a gimpy little cleric and his precious rapier. However, there was one adventurer that stood out in his party like no other! He slayed the hobgoblins like it was nothing and jumped and leaped around like he was hyped up on 20 cans of some strong tonic and energy drinks.

The gimpy little cleric, amazed by this strange adventurer’s abilities, stuck close to him, ensuring he himself wouldn’t perish in the maddness of assault the hobgoblins had set up for the crew. He watched closely as this man didn’t even have his OWN rapier to use! Matter of fact, he used no weapons at all, other than his fist! From that day, he kept a close eye on other adventurers that he ran across like the man prior. Always watching and wondering. Can I do that too? Then he learned of a place called the Turbine store where he could purchase such miraculous feats of abilities!

So, the gimpy little cleric went to work, scavenging all the rare and valuable currency that they called Turbine points in order to gain the abilities he saw in these ‘monks’. He practiced even with his own fist, only to find out he wasn’t so good at it. So, he continued on gathering his points, his trusty rapier by his side, slaying anything he could find, and hoping he wouldn’t get lost along the way as the dungeons and adventures just got bigger and BIGGER!

Still, he managed to get lost. He even got stuck near shrines in a place called Tempest Spine, while his party went up and defeated the massive giant at top. It wasn’t till the end that a lone dwarf descended the mountian to help him reach the top and gather his share of the loot from the chest. He wasn’t sure he deserved it, but he was grateful none-the-less. He hadn’t even gotten to see the Giant.

Still, he finally reached his goal of gathering enough Turbine points to finally purchase this Monk class and managed to even catch it on sale. It was like Destiny! So, the gimpy little cleric shed his armor, and tossed aside his trusty admantine rapier that he hoped would one day help another adventurer such as himself to acheive his/her dreams to be bigger and better, and he became the Monk he had always wanted to be!


Tons of Monk levels later, I’m still in love with the class. Kobay himself, packing 3 monk past lives alone, not to mention all the first life monks I’ve played throughout my Dungeons and Dragons online carreer. I thought I’d share this little story today after running with a first lifer last night starting in on his first Monk. I was pleased to help him and offer any advice I could, and even felt confident in my advice. If I know any class like the back of my hand, it’s the Monk class.

And well, that got me thinking of when I first fell in love with the Monk. The above story is completely true, to much of my nooby shame, but a lot of good experiences came out of it. It wasn’t till a year or two later that I decided to sign on to a VIP subscription and continue forward in my adventures, but I don’t regret any of it. 🙂 If it wasn’t for my experience with the Monk class, I probably wouldn’t have been into this game so much. I was happy to finally earn it and excited every time I play it.

I’m adventuring now with Kobay, and although he already has his 3 monk past lives, I feel the need to continue on, and thus my creating of Kobot, the crazy Robo-Rodeo Monk which I will surely enjoy until the day Kobay gets all his past lives in and adventures back into the class he first began. The Awesome MONK!

P.S. The thing with the Rapier: I came from a very limited background, MMO wise, where the only game I ever really played was being suckered into playing Runescape by my brother way back in the day. And if anyone knows about old-school runescape, Adamantine weapons were like one of the best things to get ahold of for a Free to Play member. Haha. Silly me. I guess, we all start somewhere. 😀

Anyways, that’s my Monk story! 😀

If you are reading this and have a Monk Story, please share! I’d love to hear it! ^.^


I am the Night! I er… It’s a Bunny hat guys! Come on! It just looks kind of batman-esque is all. Though, I guess with Evasion, UMD, Intimidate, Open Lock; Kobot is kind of a batman build anyways, so it works!

I tend to take lots of random screenshots while getting ready to post a new blog. And since I did a lot of Necropolis in the last week, I’ve got a lot of images from there. Some I have no idea why I even took them. :/ Some are a little more neat, like this one I’m currently using as my avatar on Twitter and my wordpress, of course.

Anyways, most of my past week as been stuck facing down the undead. Last week, I finished up TOR with Kobay, killing dragons and gawking at the high drop rate of dragon scales now. I was lucky to even see one before. Before I started back, I had 1 black and 1 white scale that had been sitting in my bags doing nothing. Now I have a whole stack of each. I’ll probably make some armors for my new characters, Like Kobot who is currently level 10, already enough xp for nearly 12 and still fashioning his Blademark’s Docent. It’s a pretty nice docent for low levels, but I think starting to get a bit outdated.

I didn’t have to worry about that yesterday anyways, as the only Docent I was worried about wearing was a Deathblock Docent! Kobot took on the Beholders of ‘The Prisoner’ and ‘Tomb of the Shadow Knight’ alone with Fayden, I peculiar hireling who has a knack for NOT dying in traps, which Ithought was pretty neat for a hire. Believe me, I thought there were a couple close calls, particularrly in Shadow Knight where I was just overwhelmed by the sheer number of shadows I had to fight and try to keep off of my hire at the same time. Good reason to have Intimidate. Keep in mind, he is a first-lifer, so he doesn’t have all the particular advantages of being a TR.
However, I’ve tweaked him out as much as I possibly could. Not a whole lot, considering he still has lots of underleveled gear, even the goggles from Korthos, but hey. Everything considering, he’s doing pretty good for himself.


Meanwhile, while Kobot has been focusing on Necro 2, Kobay has been duking it out with the Orchard and flagging for Ascension. Luckily, as usually… he had a lot of the sigils already for Litany and has been focusing on grinding out XP in Litany. Though to be fair, not all my time has been spent in Necro. I can only take SO much undead before I get sick of it. There has been plenty of Delirium too. Have to get my drinking humor on. Again, Sarlona doesn’t respond to my humor. :/


I think maybe they were thinking it was suppose to be LV. 21+, I don’t know. I hate boring LFMs, so I really wish they would be more receptive of my humor. Oh well. I always got the Defense channel, as Samius has pointed out to me. Been a part of that for a while, but rarely use it. I think it’s because it usually works better if you are in your Epic levels and high leveled content. Leveling up, just doesn’t seem like many people are there trying to do that. Soo… I stick to my LFMing. At least till my higher levels.


On that note, the new slots are looking pretty interesting. It’s even upgraded some items from before. I orignally had a boots on Innocence which I think had 15% striding, and now with the slot, has an extra 5% boost. At least I hope that is accurate and not just a bug. :/ Still, I’ve seen other items that seem somewhat upgraded now with the slots, some more than others. Which is cool, cept for the f=act that you now realize you should go back through and find that gear you had before and see what’s changed on it. Haha. >.< You know, if you are up for it.


Guess who’s back, back again. Kobay’s back, tell a friend! Yea, that’s right! Kobay is back on Sarlona again, wreaking all sorts of havoc against the Giant and monstrous forces of GiantHold! Well, at least that is the goal. Turns out that even though I had done all the Gianthold quest prior to my 4 month absence from playing my favorite toon, with the new changes, I had to RE-FLAG! Which wasn’t too bad considering The Crucible is no longer needed to flag. Of course, I could have just went back through and did them on Casual or Normal for fast completions, but that would be too simple. Let me explain:

First off, it has been 4 months since my last quest with Kobay! I could hardly remember half of my hotkeys or what I even had on him. So, it was kind of a time for rediscovery. Had I started out on Normal, I would have simply button mashed my way through. In this case, I actually had to think some and thus rediscover Kobay once more.

Second, I’m too thick headed and prideful to not do Elite after my long hiatus. Haha. Shameful truth. Even before I had my ‘break’, I could easily be accused of doing stupid stuff just to push what I thought Kobay was capable of doing, not always ending nicely, but many times coming out a glorious victor, thus making all the sour not so thought out times worth it! Heh. So, yea… going in on Elite, this was my train of thought.

It was Fraidnight (Friday Night Raid Night) for my guild, so I was stuck without guildies, who were all on upper level characters, doing raids. Of course, I got invited along, but at the time they were doing Abbot. Long absence and you want me to run an abbot! No thanks! Ha! Ciao. I’ll pass. NO WAY!

BAM! Tossing LFMs up for the first quest that needed to be done, Madstone Crater. Now, I don’t know what happened in my absence, but WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU SARLONA!? Where is the love for humor in LFMs that used to be there. I tried again and again and not a single bite. Maybe bad timing? I’d like to think so. But, well… I’ll just show you:

nullFinally, I just did a plain “Madstone, Elite” LFM and what do you know, people joined. Shame on you Sarlona. Shame. That wasn’t even the worst part though. My first group for Madstone was silent. Not a single word was spoken. We ran through the quest pulverizing everything in our path, but it was sooo boring! Maybe I’m just used to grouping with more ‘talkative people’ but the silence was painfully annoying.

Luckily, everyone afterwards left, and I put up a new LFM for the next two. Got a group, run through Prison of Planes and A Cabal for one? Really? They switched out Crucible for THAT! They couldn’t have chosen an easier quest in Gianthold. I was surprisingly shocked to find that as one of the requirements. The quest itself is pretty simple. I’ve soloed it many times on Elite, and the only tricky part is really the boss fight in the end. Other than that, it’s simple. Hobgoblins have never been the strongest bunch, eh.

Anyways… Fast and easy they were done, and I was ready to move onto TOR! At least this party was somewhat more talkative than the last. Of course, I couldn’t. My second party hadn’t done Madstone yet. T.T (Kobay cries inside and contemplates jumping off a bridge.) So, we do it. By this time, it was getting late and I wasn’t going to be able to get a TOR in or write up a blog. (Which is why you are getting this the day AFTER. :p)

Truth is, Gianthold Update or not, I rather get to some more ‘enjoyable’ stuff. Like, Forgotten Realms content for example. ;P But oh well, one step at a time.

P.S. Why do we get some silly floating ribbon for ‘supporting awareness for the Boston Bombing, but LOTRO people get a neat cape. :/ Where is MY cape!?



It’s been 2 month since I played DDO at all, and 4 months since I’ve been on my Main Character, Kobay. Recently, I managed to settle a deal with a pretty decent company and get my internet turned on in my new place. One of the first things I did was Update DDO and log on. Of course, eh? What else would you do? There are several things I notice right up front and none of them have anything to do with updates, though there are some of those too.

First off, it’s been 2 months! I hardly remember where any of my hotkeys are are coordinate my fingers to move around like I used to. Sad story. I managed though and of course, I’m sure I’ll get back into the hang of it with time, but I’m still not satisfied. I feel like marching around my house with a picket sign saying, “FREE KOBAY!” (Which is not only my Gamer tag I go by, but my Main Character’s name.) Now, Kobay happens to be a Druid/Monk Half Elf. I do not have access to either Druid nor Half Elf since I turned off my subscription 4 months ago at the request of my woman. (The things we do for love.)

A lot of it also had to do with the fact we were planning on moving fairly soon, although it didn’t end up actually happening till about 2 months later. Still, we needed to scrape up every bit of cash we could. So, Kobay got locked away. 😦 The downsides of the VIP side. Oh well.

Now it is close to the end of the month and she is waiting till the beginning of next month to turn my subscription back on. Something about ‘time frames’ and I don’t know. Women. So picky about how they do things. Basically she wants to make sure that when my subscription fee comes up, it’s always at the beginning of the month, cause she doesn’t trust me with leaving the money on our card. (I say “Our” but I mean her’s.)

Regardless, the anticipation is killing me and I can’t wait to get back in on the action I feel like I’ve been missing forever. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my downtime too. I really got a lot accomplished during the time I’ve been away from my favorite addiction, but now that things are settling down, I have a lot of extra time to fiddle my thumbs and count sheep, that I could be using to get a strong dose of kicking Devil and Drow butt. Which is even more exciting, because I feel like I’m now getting a fresh approach to the game. I know it, but at the same time… it’s more refreshing than it was when I stopped a couple months ago.

On top of that, Turbine as changed up the website, I have a new Monitor with a nice resolution, a new Microphone that a friend of mine decided I needed. A good reason to have friends. Free stuff. It’s almost like a totally new game for me, but with the same old classic DDO that I know and love.

Of course there are the few things that have not been so refreshing. The new UI settup that came with the daily dice and such in Update 17 Patch 1 is a little meh. I hate the mail icon being so small. It’s rather annoying. The enhancement stuff, that I had been waiting in anticipation for doesn’t look so great, though I’m not going to jump the bandwagon on that just yet. It is still in a very early stage and A LOT could change before it even goes live. I’ll just bite my tongue for now. There are some neat enhancement changes though, regardless. The forum change, I’m a little on the fence about. Some odd stuff, but it does look more professional.

And of course, My.DDO is finally gone. You will be missed, my friend.

R.I.P. My.DDO April 29th, 2013

A DDOAnonymous Meeting

Posted: April 8, 2013 in Uncategorized
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Hello, My name is Kobay.

(Waits for everyone to say “Hello Kobay”)

It has been about a two months give or take since my last Dungeon. (Everyone claps, and I mutter some derogatory words under my breath) Now, this ‘lapse’ without being in game has not been of my own free will. I will admit that much. The issue is, I’ve been in a really long process. The process may or may not include lots of drinking of alcohol and overworking myself on other days. That’s all besides the point.

First off, my Subscription was shut off. I mean, it wasn’t like I COULDN’T play, but it just wasn’t the same. I could log on to one of my completely free characters and throw a sword around or something and it was all fine and dandy, but it wasn’t my main. There was no way I could take the same risk and solo dungeons as easily with a simply first life toon with nothing other than what I managed to shift over to him before my subscription ended. Just. Not. The. Same.

Now the question you might ask is, Why did I do that in the first place? Either that or you already assume that like many other people, I’ve just decided to rage quit and try to move on from that. But then… why of course, if that was the case, why am I still writing this? Well, the truth is… I just didn’t have the extra cash. Yes, the monthly expenses weren’t that much and I should have been able to make it by, but between trying to move and having some issues with my credit card company… well… I just decided to cut it off till I could get in a better situation.

The second issue was Moving. Ha. That has been ridiculous. Makes me wish I has started off with a better Str and Con. The family isn’t too much help when it comes with that kind of thing, so I pretty much did all the moving myself. I say DID, cause yes, I am finally finished with that little project. The place looks nice and everything, and my computer is sitting in a corner ready to get back in on the action.

As much as I love to. That’s where my 3rd problem has arrived. Internet. The place I moved is PICKY about which internet company I can go with. The issue beyond that, is that SO AM I. (Curses my luck) I have a very deep hatred for some companies in my area, mostly based on internet performance. Hey… I’m a nerd. I am allowed to be picky with these kinds of things.

(Realizes no one else is amused)

So, it is just a matter of time now. Hoping I can get a good deal and then get back in the action! And more importantly, get back to Friday night Raids and ect with my Guild and getting wasted sitting at my computer.

(Blank Stares)

Why am I even here? I don’t even want to quit DDO. I only have done so based on circumstances. Screw you guys.

(My stuffed animals stare in silence.)

Yea. That’s what I thought.


A Man of Many…

Posted: November 18, 2012 in Perceptive Gaming

Damsel in Distress

I do not know how you guys feel about this but I think Jeets has some messed up dreams. That is the UGLIEST Damsel in Distress I have ever seen. All I have to say is, thank you Art Team for the laugh. Now I do not feel so bad about killing her.. umm… him. I do not know. Whatever, at least that is off my conscience.

Anyways, today I shall talk about Changes, Friends, and Family. I know I know. Trust me, it is not my goal to bore you to death, but hey! This is MY My.DDO. I will talk about whatever shenanigans I want!  Within Turbine rules of course. ^.^

Why I want to talk about this… well, I just changed Guilds Recently! I am now a member of Lost Legions on Sarlona! Within my first day, I loved it! It was a guild right up my alley, with everything I was looking for in a guild. However, it is a sour sweet feeling. I did not leave Griffons Nest cause I hated it, In fact, I loved it! It had been my home for probably a few years now since the Guild changes when my old guild was pretty much disbanded. I love the people in it and have grown attached to them. I have grown so much since joining them becoming the great player that I am, and I have them to thank for that! Of course, now I am at that point where I desire a new playstyle, one more Guild focused with High End raids and such and Lost Legions is a fun pack of players that I can do that with!

Anyways, with this new Guild switch I have must stop and ponder on my past friends and fellow Guildmates who made gaming so much fun for me. Not just Griffons Nest and Lost Legions. P I N O Y, for whom I may not understand you guys half of the time, and do not always get to play with you guys cause you live halfway across the world, I do enjoy running with you guys and am proud to call myself an Honorary member! One of these days, when I TR back into my monk, Ill have to come tank for you guys so you bunch of gimps aren’t being wiped by Lloth and such. Heh heh. Much Love.

A E Q U I T A S, You already know I love you guys, cause I have to. You are family, but man.. if you dont stop sending me tells while I am trying to quest about how to do this and that… I am going to come over there and beat you! You know who you are. Haha. For every tell you send, will be every day you will have to do my chores. LOL. You know I am kidding. I am glad you got yourself into the game with me, little brother.

Griffons Nest, of course! Every member will always have a place in my heart and I dont expect any one of you to shy away from hanging with me and running some quest! You know I will always have your back! Griffons old and new, through and through.

Then Lost Legions, I look forward to our future endeavors! DRINK TILL WE DROP THEN DRINK SOME MORE!

I have updated my Character bio to reflect this.

Lost Legions, by name and reputation.
Griffons Nest, by Heart.
P I N O Y, by Affiliation.
A E Q U I T A S, by blood.
I am a man of many Guilds, Friends, Families.

Happy Gaming!

My only female toon, my cleric

Moving Forward

Posted: September 2, 2012 in Perceptive Gaming


Recently, I took my first step in Eveningstar. I had taken a look at it while it was on Lammania, but never really got that look I wanted to take. Basically, before I had zerged with a group through the Demonweb and when I got to Eveningstar, I didn’t do much. I didn’t even have the sound on, so I was quite amazed hearing the GM voice for Elminster when I went through it. Now, I have a limited experience with the Forgotten Realm setting, but somehow everything about it seemed to capture me. I can see why so many people enjoy the Forgotten Realm setting. It truly is captivating.

The next thing I did was take a look at some of the quest. Now, I don’t have MOTU so, I was limited to the new U15 pack as a VIP member, but it was still quite enjoyable aside from the poor XP, but that is neither here or there. I enjoyed it. That’s all I could really ask for out of a game. Whether it gives me good gear and XP and all that good stuff is just a side thing, but what I really want to point out here is that I enjoyed it. Very much. It was totally different from a lot of the quest I was used to and it gave me a whole new feel. I’m sure a lot of you feel the same way, but… ME TOO!

That said, I’m gonna have to get the MOTU at some point. I really would love to explore the King’s Forest. Just what I’ve heard about it sounds extremely exciting. But I’ll probably be stuck for a couple months till I can afford to pay the money for it. It’s kind of out of my budget at the moment. Makes me sad, but I’ll survive. However, the whole thing makes me want to make a Druid and really focus on it. So, I’m looking at TRing Kobay soon enough into a Druid. With this being my 3rd Monk life, it will be hard to let go of my monk, but at the same time, I don’t have much reason to do another life of him. I get to explore other classes better. I’m looking at a lot of my gear and a lot of it will transfer over easily to a Druid Life. I think I’ll go with a monk splash too. I know, with the whole AC thing, I might be better off not, but… I had the gear to support it. I wouldn’t mind the 2 extra feats including Stunning Fist and Evasion.

Now, I just need to decide if I want to focus more on Natural Fighting Feats or TWF. Such a tough one, but I think I have the gear to support either one. I actually just recently upgraded my Dreamsplitter with ForceBurst and got the Crystal Disk to add Holy on top of that. It’ll be some nice damage and with an Arti in the party, I’ll have the perfect DR breaker Boss and Trash beater. Should be fun.

Either way, I’m really looking forward to it. I may stick in the high levels for a bit though so I can run through the King’s Forest and such, once I get that. I still got a wait though. I still have 13 or so more shrouds to go till I get my cleanser for my GS gear. I need it. Got my ConOp HP goggles and just finished a SP Necklace of positive with CHA Skills. I also managed to get my hands on several other nice pieces of loot to help my Druid out.

Well, I’ll stop boring you guys with my random nonsense.

Until Next time… any advice for a Druid Life from those that have played one? and What is your favorite part of the Forgotten Realms so far?